Code promo de parrainage menageparfait

Share with your friends

Show your love by inviting your friends to join us. You just need to generate a unique code, enter your friend's email address and that's it! Your friend will receive an invitation email with instructions to create an account on our site Internet. As a thank you, we offer FREE cleaning.

we accept visa and mastercard payment

Your loved one receives €20 after registration

As soon as your friend has created an account, he or she will receive an email containing a code. Exclusive reduction of €20 for your first purchase. Please note that this coupon is valid for 30 days from receipt and is only applicable once for the first your friend's purchase and not for subsequent transactions.

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You win €20 bonus

You will receive a €20 discount code directly in your email box when your friend signs up. How can I claim my free cleaning? It's enough for you go to our reservation page to claim your free housekeeping and cleaning in Paris. Earn more by sponsoring more!


Action required from you Awards Free Cleaning Earning Example
Refer a friend € 20.00 10 friends = € 200
Like us on Google € 20.00 profile Google = € 20.00
Celebrate a birthday € 10.00 Tag us before your birthday on FB, Insta or Tweet€ 10.00
Like us on Facebook* € 10.00 Like our page = € 10.00